Analyzing and tracking the social footprint of any website on the three big social networks: Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus is of a great importance and we are very proud that we can offer you this possibility through our old Social Visibility module. Yet, we feel it’s time to broaden our (and your) spectrum of marketing platforms with 2 important different networks: LinkedIn and Pinterest. Each unique, each with a huge potential, each with a particular look, feel and advantage. However, they do share one thing: they’re the underdogs, the silent performers and in many cases the lesser known but more efficient tools for content marketing. This is why we considered that it falls in our responsibility to give you the opportunity to efficiently track your content on all the social networks that bring you a competitive advantage.
Without further introduction, let’s see the main improvements that we’ve worked on the cogntiveSEO toolset.
Expand Your Field of View – Social Visibility Becomes Content Visibility
Variety and adaptability are the bread and butter of marketing. Some social networks know meteoric rises (and sometimes equally meteoric falls), while others grow slow and steady until the point where they are simply impossible to ignore by anyone. Whichever the case might be, we felt the need to expand our horizon and give you the possibility to expand yours. Experiment, collect data, draw learnings, repeat. It makes for a less catchy film title, but for a much more likely successful business.
We hadn’t invited you to expand your field of view if we wouldn’t have previously done this with our own. We realized that within cognitiveSEO it’s not just the social visibility that you are tracking. It is much more than this.And at the end of the day, we are all looking at the same thing actually: content. What works and why? What doesn’t wok and why? This is how we decided to re-name our Social Visibility module so that it will depict its exact functionality.
Content Visibility will be the name that you will see in the tool from now on instead of Social Visibility. More in-depth analysis under a more suitable name.
LinkedIn Integration – We Put You in Touch With the World’s Largest Professional Network
LinkedIn is all about strategy and purpose. It’s an established social network with an impressive user base that takes pride in 2 things: its business and professional-oriented profile and its aura of credibility and “serious” social network. When you put these two together you get something that might not have the mass appeal of other networks, but is bound to give a competitive edge.
According to the 2014 Content Marketing report for Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends in North America, Social Media is the most used tactic/tool for content marketing (at 87%). From the entire spectrum of social networks, LinkedIn is the undisputed leader (91%). It’s not just that LinkedIn is a popular social network you need to get on to be with the popular crowd. It’s that it is the network for a very specific goal and with a specific audience in mind: business professionals. The growth rate is pretty impressive as well: it’s estimated that professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of more than two new members per second. Therefore, after researching all these facts we found it only normal to add LinkedIn among the social networks that you can monitor within cognitiveSEO. You will have the possibility to see LinkedIn’s social distribution, the number of shares and also your most shared pages on this emerging social network. All the below data can be visualized in just a glance by adding a personalized widget with them on your digital marketing dashboard.
LinkedIn also has the added advantage of credibility. You can’t just outright go out and push your business on LinkedIn, as this is usually frowned upon. You can, however, deliver quality content and create strong connections. It’s a lot harder, but in the end it might also be more rewarding (and durable) as a business tactic. This means that even if some users are persons of interest to you and your business, you can’t simply treat them as “resources”. Journalists, for instance, are probably all on LinkedIn right now – 85% were in 2009, and back then journalism was a lot less of a freelancing affair than it is now . Still, that doesn’t mean you should use LinkedIn as a bulleting posting board. It offers everything you need, but with the understanding that you take advantage of it in courteous, professional ways.
Pinterest Integration – Discover and Save Creative Content Ideas
Pinterest has been enjoying a steady rise for a while, but the more interesting thing about it is that it’s set to get even more relevant for marketing. Two things make Pinterest particularly compelling: shopping power and widespread appeal.
Pinterest’s “superpower” is that its users are first and foremost shoppers. Sure, every user is inherently a shopper at some point, but according to a study of more than 300 000 websites from January 2015, Pinterest users of 2014 are bouncing from Pinterest to company websites at a rate almost 7 times higher than they were in 2011. Or, to put things into perspective, 5% of all traffic to those 300 000 websites came from Pinterest. That’s not a bad percentage, especially if you realize that Twitter and Google have lost ground in sending consumers to websites and that Pinterest is second only to Facebook in the amount of traffic it drives to websites. Of course, we think that every business should choose to communicate on the social networks that are most suitable for them. Yet, we all must admit that these numbers are hard to ignore.
The rapidly expanding appeal of Pinterest is its other secret weapon, in addition to attracting shopping-minded users. Pinterest fans are becoming more numerous at an impressive rate. According to TechCrunch, the number of Pinterest users more than doubled in the second half of 2014. Add to that predictions of steady growth and of a 30% market share by 2019 and it sounds like you’ve hit gold. But isn’t Pinterest only used by a very narrow audience? Not anymore: according to Pinterest itself, the number of men signing up has doubled in the past year and the gender split in emerging markets like India and China is closer to 50/50. Therefore, enough reasons for us to put Pinterest at your disposal in order to be monitored and highly analyzed.
When you put shopping power and widespread appeal together, who knows what you might get? Sure, maybe some of those predictions won’t hold the way they are set up and maybe the myriad of “how to market on Pinterest” articles might fade away as a trend, but you shouldn’t ignore the numbers. It’s impossible to know which social networks will fade and which will succeed in advance. But you can be ready when the change is coming, by keeping a close, analytic, eye on the important social networks, among which Pinterest should be counted now.
Overall Improvements and Bugs Fixed
There is no such thing as a flawless system. Any software, as tested and re-tested might be, faces some bugs, be it big or small. And we are not afraid to admit that our system does not stray from this rule. We cannot have an absolutely perfect system. Yet, what we can have is a permanent concern of fixing the reported bugs, improving the user experience and the usability overall. Some of the issues have been reported, others were spotted by ourselves, the important thing is that we’ve tried to do our best and fix them. The module is now working more fluently, has less errors caused by code, design or any other reason and gives a better feeling overall. However, as there is always room for improvements, we are looking forward your feedback and thoughts on our Content Visibility module.

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