The world is changing and the virtual world is the vanguard. Businesses are getting more dynamic and increasingly diverse. We understand that and want to help you stay ahead of the trends, rather than constantly trying to catch up with them.
Whether you’re an independent professional, a small agency or a full-fledged brand, your ambitions come before your size. We believe one of the best things about the web is its ability to level the playing field and allow the Davids of the world to outshine the Goliaths based purely on skill and prowess.
Money still makes the world go round, but that, too, is slowly changing. The biggest cost concern of any smart tech business today is no longer space or equipment, but information. Why does my website attract so many visitors? Why does it not attract more? Why do my competitors attract so much more? These are the questions that we are constantly asking ourselves and the reason information is so important. The more you can find out about your business and your competitors, the more you can learn, adapt and ultimately flourish.
This is why we are increasing our plans’ limits to provide you with deeper analysis on each and every site.
Starting today,on all of our plans, the backlinks analysis limits are being massively increased!
Price is what you pay but value is what you get. And we all now that it’s not that much about the price. It’s about necessity, quality, and usefulness. This means that from now on, your analysis won’t be limited at 10k, 15k or 50k backlinks per analyzed site . With this upgrade you now have:
- 25 sites & 200.000 backlinks/site for the Pro Subscription
- 50 sites & 1 million backlinks/site for the Premium Subscription
- 100 sites & 3 million backlinks/site for the Elite Subscription
No more incomplete analysis and less restrictions on checking the complete profile of your competitors. Just maximum flexibility.
Let’s take an example to better understand why this upgrade is so powerful. Let’s say you have a site with 135.372 backlinks and you want to fully analyze it along with 2 competitors, each with around 100k links. Until now, you would have needed a Custom Plan (these start at $999/month) in order to have the complete analysis of your site and your competitors. However, starting today, you can run the same analysis on the Professional Plan. Beside the added value that the proficient link audit will give you, this change leaves you with $900 in your pocket that you can re-direct towards other marketing efforts. With the new plans you will make huge savings!
Why This Huge Upgrade?
Because we truly believe that no one understands your business better than you. Business models are only free to evolve if the architects and owners of those businesses can experiment, monitor and plan regardless of how they structure their activities. The market already imposes rules and restrictions on how you can run your websites. In order to give you back some freedom (while still playing by the rules), we’ve decided to give you space to run things your way and look at whatever (and however much) you feel you need to know to make the right decision.
This update is mostly based on our customers’ feedback. They are cognitiveSEO’s backbone and we always listen to them. This update started to make sense when multiple customers sent us their feedback about the incomplete analysis on medium and bigger sites. We tried to put ourselves in their shoes and see how the problem appears from where they stood.
This was possible because of our massive growth. Based on that we have increased our server infrastructure and added more servers in order to sustain more growth and add even more value to the cognitiveSEO customer.
We have also optimized our crawlers in order to process more efficiently.
All these combined led to this powerful quota increase!
Here is a Crawling Example
Since examples are the best precept, here is another one, so you can better understand how exactly this change affects you. Let’s say you have a large site with around 500.000 backlinks. Until now you would have needed a custom plan in order to run the full analysis for a site this large. Even the $499 subscription wouldn’t have been of any help because it was limited at 50.000 backlinks crawled per site. so the full analysis of your site would have been impossible. With the upgrade we’ve just made, the complete analysis of a site with 500k backlinks can be easily run on the Premium Subscription ($199). No need to say how much money you’ve saved. Yet, beside this, flexibility in the analysis is among the biggest advantages you gain. We think that it is our job to offer the best pricing stracture we can but that it is also our duty to help the customer use the subscription that fits his needs at maximum capacity.
There’s a mindset of flexibility and adaptability that comes with the new cognitiveSEO backlinks limit, far more flexible than you’d ever believe at a first glance.
We are proud to say that these limitations offer you great flexibility. We are the only tool in the market that offers such high limits for backlink audits at this price point.
For instance, for the $199 subscription you can run full analysis for 50 sites at a maximum of 1 millions links analyzed per site plus you can track up to 4.500 keywords. Quite a deal, right?
No hidden costs, no tricks, just awesomeness from cognitiveSEO.
Growth occurs when you have a good understanding of the world around you, but also when you’re allowed to follow a less traveled path.
The two are deeply connected and we feel that increasing the number of backlinks analyzed per site will help in both instances. On one hand, you get more information: for instance, you can look at the complete analysis of your competitors in order to better understand the particularities of the market you are competing in. On the other hand, you get more leeway in building your business model: you no longer have to limit the number of websites you foster simply because they are too large.
Although experimentation and research are important, responsibility is key to a healthy process. With great analysis power comes a need for great research responsibility. We’ve designed these plans with particular types of users in mind and we feel that it is important for you to pick up the plan you need and acquire the tools in agreement with your goals and needs.
We feel this is a step in the right direction. The future of the web belongs to those who dare: to offer more, to question more and ultimately to learn more.
We, at cognitiveSEO believe that perfection means constant transformation. We do not claim to have found the key to success but we do know that it has got something to do with continuous improvement and customer focus.
You might be familiar with the story of the Andean condor that, as the name states, is a South American bird from the Andes. What is very interesting about this vulture – and I thought it’s worth sharing with you – is the fact that despite the very difficult conditions it lives in, it is one of the world’s longest-living birds, with a lifespan of over 70 years. So, how come it reaches this age when all odds are against it? It seems that somewhere around 40, it suffers from all sorts of physical changes that make it almost impossible for it to fly, to catch it’s prey, therefore, to survive.
So, around its midlife, the Andean condor has a hard decision to make: to wait to die or to go through a 5 months painful transformation process whereby its feathers, claws and beak will be achingly renewed, which will allow it to continue its life . Therefore, only by opting for the last choice, the imposing condor will reach the impressive age it’s so famous for.

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