At cognitiveSEO we’re not just about creating new features or tools, but also about recognizing when existing tools are vital to our customers’ businesses. Our users’ experience is what matters most to us and what helps us evolve. So when something is as ubiquitous as Google Analytics, we think the best thing we can do for our users is to make it easy for them to use it as part of our existing tool. No more switching between tools, no more wasted time with mixing and matching results and comparisons. You will now be able to get the best of both worlds, because we are making it possible for you to use Google Analytics straight from our cognitive tool.
The Importance of the Google Analytics and cognitiveSEO Integration
So how can this improve your insights into your web presence? First, let’s get into Google Analytics and see why we’ve decided to integrate it in the first place. There are 4 key metrics you can keep track of on Analytics:
- Duration
- Page/Visit
- Event
- URLs
They are defined by Google as goals and each of them can give you a different insight into your performance. The data that you get within cognitiveSEO is unique and helps you have an overview of your website from a different perspective. Therefore, both data gathered from Analytics and cognitiveSEO are highly important in order to make the best decisions for your business. The end result: no more wasted time, no more matching results and comparisons and no more switching between tools. Google Analytic’s goals can now be easily tracked within cognitiveSEO.
Keep Track of Your Most Important Metrics
We’ve mentioned before that Google has some goals that we should all be interested in monitoring. We’ve tried to cover all of these goals by adding six fully customizable widgets. We need to mention that each and everyone of these widgets has such a high level of personalization that out of them hundreds of combinations can be made. From pie charts to tables and bar charts, any of your Google Analytics data can be displayed directly into your cognitiveSEO account.
Let’s take each of Google Analytics’ goals and see how they can be reached by continuously monitoring the newly cognitiveSEO integrated Google Analytics’ widgets.
Visit Duration
Visit Duration is fairly intuitive: it keeps track of the amount of time each person spends on your website. Of course, you can customize the widgets of this goal to only register people spending more (or less) than a specified amount of time. It might be exactly what you’re looking for if you’re interested in differentiating between random visits and regular users. All of these can be added or adjusted within our freshly added Google Analytics widgets.
As a use case for this goal, you can choose to track sessions that lasts a specific amount of time or longer or why not, the bounce rate.
Pages/Visit is quite simple to grasp: it counts how many pages someone sees when they visit your website. Just as with the previous one, this one can be customized to only show results within certain thresholds. What you can set in order to monitor this goal is, for instance, user views of a specific number of pages or screens or how many sessions a user had.
Event is a bit more complicated than the other goals, but also more interesting. It counts the number of times a visitor performed a certain action. What type of action? Well, that’s for you to decide. It can be anything from using a certain widget to spending X amount of time watching video content and, to clicking on a social media button embedded on your website.
URLs keeps track of a specific URL, so each time someone visits a particular page, it gets triggered. If you have a registration or announcement page, this would be the ideal metric. Of course, you can keep track of any of your pages, getting info for users by page or keep track of pages by organic searches.
Each of these goals has limitations that you need to be aware of. Together, they are quite a powerful analysis tool. So, let’s see next how do they can expand our existing capabilities.
Get an Overview of Your Website’s Performance at a Glance
Time may be our friend or our biggest enemy. In any of these cases what we want is to make the best out of our time, to cherish and value it as much as we can. As we ourselves often feel the time pressure, we wanted to create an efficient solution that would allow you to be in control of your website 24/7 without being overwhelmed by such a task.
You might already be familiar with our SEO Dashboard, a sort of “control panel” and a must for every digital marketer. The new Google Analytics integration within cognitiveSEO offers you not only transparency and control over the data associated with your account but also a great way to visualize your marketing efforts. Having listed together the metrics that interest you the most, you now have the possibility to see all the data that matters for your website at just a glance. No more switching to other tools, no more wasting time in checking all sorts of reports, no more impossibility of comparing data. You now have them all at the same place.
Needless to say that the integration of the Analytics metrics in our SEO Dashboard allows you to take decisions on the spot, reacting quickly, even in real time, to any issues that might occur.
What’s even greater is that you can share your dashboard with your colleagues, your partners, your clients or anyone you want. Therefore, any of these people can have access to your most important metrics anytime they want via a simple shareable link.
Personalize Your Analytics Metrics Just the Way You Want Them
As you put a lot of work in making your website perform well, we think that you should have a great visual output as well. And even more, we think that you should be the one who chooses which metrics you should visualize and exactly in which way. This is why we allow you to fully customize all the widgets from cognitiveSEO, Google Analytics included, of course.
You are the one who decides which data you want to see exactly, the period of time you are interested to get the data from or the device you are interested to analyze the data for. All of these and many others personalization options are available for you withing our newly introduced Google Analytics widgets.
Having all these customization features at your disposal, you can take full advantage of the Google Analytics widgets and create infinite possibilities of monitoring. For one widget type only you have so many customization options that you can create dozens of data visualizations combinations: for your mobile only, for returning users only, for new sessions only and so on. We think that any piece of data has something valuable inside of it and this is why we wanted to be sure that you have the possibility to make any combination that might interest you.
Better Reporting to Clients or Team Members
No job is finished until the paperwork is done. And any of your marketing efforts usually end up in a report, be it to your supervisor, your team members or your clients.
As much as we’d try to get rid of them, reporting is the process of assigning meaning to the collected information and determining the conclusions, significance, and implications of the findings. And, as complicated as this may sound, we’ve made this process for you just as simple. You can now get custom-built reports for your clients’ digital marketing needs, including relevant Google Analytics real-time data for your campaigns.
cognitiveSEO reporting section allows you to :
- create fully customizable reports ready to amaze your clients with
- schedule reports to be sent automatically to your clients
- white-label reports for your marketing needs
- share reports with clients and team members
When reporting, you are probably concerned with getting ALL the data that matters so that your efforts are visible and, why not, appreciated. With the Analytics integration, you don’t need to worry about this matter any more. You don’t have to generate reports from cognitiveSEO and try to combine them with data from Analytics, as you have them all together now.
You will send more comprehensive reports, that are visually appealing, highly customizable and automated.
You can even create reports excluding any data except Google Analytics. That’s right; inside cognitiveSEO’ reporting Section you can perform Analytics reports only, if this is what you want. Pointless to say that you can combine the metrics just the way you want and create unlimited reports for any of your digital marketing needs. With this latest integration, reporting just got even better.
Understanding how customers use your website is a fundamental step for improving or adjusting your digital marketing campaigns; luckily cognitiveSEO helps do just that. And with our latest Google Analytics integration we try to best respond to any online marketing business, making it easy to understand, fine-tune and grow your business.

Its awesome, but when I trying to connect account, it take me to the 404 page..
“400. That’s an error.
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
Application: cognitiveSEO App”
could you please check
please send a support ticket with a screenshot to identify exactly the account and where this happens exactly. you might also want to retry in incognito mode. tks.
this was solved. sorry for the problems. please retry.