Growth and comfort rarely coexist. Here, at cognitiveSEO, we know this better than anyone. We knew it was high time we rolled up our sleeves and worked our fingers to the bone to give our users the best possible experience. So here we stand today, proud to present you what we’ve been working on for the past few months: simply put, a better cognitiveSEO app.
Better. Faster. Stronger. This is how the cognitiveSEO app feels like now. We spent the last couple of months improving our toolset from a design & functionality point of view, so all our users could now enjoy a tool that loads up to five times faster, has a cleaner interface, and a way better usability.
We have to be honest and admit that in the past users complained about slow loading times and a not-so-great user-experience.
With everything else we’re currently working on (and trust us, there’s a lot), we could have just let this go and said “It can wait”.
But “good enough” is just not good enough for us and we want our users to have both the best service and the best experience when using our service.
We wanted to address these concerns for a long time now, but everything happens at the right time. And given that today’s the right time, we are glad and proud to share with you what the cognitiveSEO team members have been breaking their backs with in the last months.
Up to 5x Faster Loading Time
In a world that is constantly rushing and with a need for near-instant gratification, there is no need to outline the importance of speed. Faster thinking, faster internet speed, faster vehicles, faster apps – everyone and everything is moving faster. Therefore, we had no other choice than comply and offer our users an SEO toolset that would fit their speed needs.
You’ll be doing more work in less time.
No more slow-loading times, regardless how big the data volume is, and no more dead times until website comparative analysis loads. The cognitiveSEO app is now faster than it ever was, while also remaining cutting edge and fully comprehensive.
Improved User Experience
We always focus on having a deep understanding of our users – what they need, what they value, their abilities, and also their limitations when it comes to using our tool.
And while we were aware that the design is highly important, we didn’t want to leave some equally important attributes behind such as utility, usability, and efficiency.
We all need people to give us feedback. That’s how we improve. And we were lucky enough to have a lot of users sharing their experience with us regarding the tool, their needs, requirements, and interests. We were all ears, and we’ve made the necessary changes to make sure our users have a better experience with the tool, a better feel, and a more efficient use of it.
You can now enjoy a way easier selection and creation of campaigns. You can switch between campaigns fast and easy, regardless if you’re checking link profiles or keywords’ rankings.
The filtering capabilities are now improved; not only they look and feel better, but they are also more advanced. You can now better visualize the available filters, you can add several filters at once, and you can also save all your favorite ones with just one click. These are only some of the improvements we’ve made. However, in order to actually enjoy the improvements we’ve made to better user experience, we highly recommend you to try it out and convince yourself.
Cleaner, Easier to Understand Interface
Just like in so many movie montages, we’ve gone for a style change that makes us feel better about ourselves.
The new design looks better, moves faster and is more in line with the way we see ourselves now.
Being in the SEO world, you’ve probably heard this a thousand times before: Content is king. While this remains true, we need to outline the fact that content is king, but the presentation is also important because this is what makes you look at the content in the first place. The same is true both in face-to-face interactions and when it comes to digital interactions.
Marketers, designers, and developers worked together in finding the best re-design version, one that would not snip anything off the quality, but would rather offer a better feeling, flow, and ease of tool use.
If someone has something important to say but fails at being attractive, we tend to lose focus. It’s not something we do intentionally, but we do it nonetheless. Were we to choose, most of us would probably go for a rather shallow but well put together motivational speech, than an informative but dry lecture. People might eventually listen if you have something worth to say, but it’s better to make it easier for them.
This is what we tried to do with our interface: create something more attractive, cleaner, and easier to understand and work with.
But too much talk ruins it, so you would better go, check out the tool improvements, and experience the changes on your own. It will definitely sweep you off your feet!

Hi Cornelia, I wanted to check it out, but had to fill in my payment details. I prefer testing without having to enter my details upfront. Is there no way to have a trial without the dtails?
Hi, Marco!
I’ve opened your cognitiveSEO account; check your mail! 😉
The tool is good yet there are some slow-loading times, regardless how big the data volume search website.
Hi, Hirendra!
These improvements address this matter as well: loading times. The tool is now up to 5x faster. Check it out 🙂