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Wikipedia is not only one of the most reputable online encyclopedias, it can also be one of the most reputable link sources in terms of SEO. Caution is warranted though, because a very interesting paradox is at play here: the less Wikipedia is being used for SEO, the more credible and valuable it is as a link source. Furthermore, the more credible and valuable it is, the more appealing it becomes. But be aware: if you are now rushing to the crowd-sourced encyclopedia to insert your links in ever [...]
It’s no longer enough to produce good content, you must be producing exceptional content. Exceptional content will get you to the number one spot. In this article we look at a piece of content from, a design blog and yet they rank no.1 from “taking long walks”. Content is not King, the focus should always be on the reader. Find out what excites the people you are publishing for and give them what excites them, which is a little different than giving them what they want, bec [...]
Coming up with content ideas is a never ending job for the content marketer. Not only must you thing of the narrative or story of the content piece, you must chose the correct type of content. It’s useful not to mix up type of content with a theme of content. Type of content is more the mechanical aspects of the production, whilst theme is more about the tone or the narrative of the content, which will determine the feeling the end user is left with when the content has done its work. This [...]
We can already notice a convergence between digital marketers, SEOs and webmasters. Nowadays they all have their tasks and responsibilities, yet all of their work will revolve, more or less, around the concept of link building. This is the topic that we’re going to talk about in today’s article. The concept of link building represents a way of creating a high authority website, with a great page rank that will ultimately lead to achieving your company’s marketing goals. To make it clear [...]
We need to be aware of the components of a website and the effect it is having on social signals and link building. By performing a content audit we can find out what content we actually have (content inventory) and what effect that content is having on our marketing, as well as informing us of where the content strategy should be heading. What is a Content Audit? A content audit creates a map which details all content assets of a website. It records the url, the page title, the type of co [...]
Creating content on a continual basis for an effective content marketing strategy requires a lot of work and a lot of planning. One way to optimize the content creation process and make it more efficient is to do a content audit of a successful website and pick out some tasty content ideas. Content Audit + Content Strategy Analysis = Tasty Revelations The great thing about doing this is that the website does not even have to be in the same industry, as the themes are usually able to transfer. [...]
On May 7th the UK will elect MPs, Members of Parliament to form the next UK Government. As this is the most unpredictable UK election in history we thought we would point the cognitiveSEO tool at the subject and see what we could reveal. I think you will agree that there are some very surprising outcomes.   We looked at the websites of the major parties in the UK general election and analyses their backlinks and social signals using the cognitiveSEO tool.   Conservative Party [...]
Tribal content is content targeted at specific tribes or sub-cultures and promoted to them for the purposes of increasing the power of the brand. Which usually means links and social signals.   We know that Google still likes links, and that it does take notice of the data generated on social media, but more importantly, I think it likes the Brand more and more.   When I talk about Google increasingly considering brand as a factor of ranking, I don’t mean they have a knob on [...]
How can we convince interesting and powerful people who run blogs with authority to link to what the majority of people call boring. It is very difficult to define what boring is as there is always going to be a group of hardened activists who will die for their interest, ok maybe not die but suffer mild inconvenience to defend their interests. Train spotting for example, which in the UK represents the poster boy of what the average person describes as boring. Except did you know there are 100, [...]
After my gathering of Disavow Experts in a previous post, I wanted to go more in depth. I knew who I should talk to, Modestos Siotos, of iCrossing UK and one of cognitiveSEO's long term customers who is specialized in ultra advanced link audits and penalty recoveries. So I got together a few questions to really get stuck into things. Before we go hardcore into Penguin and Disavow and all that good stuff, could you explain what Penguin is. In a nutshell, Penguin is a collection of signals Goo [...]