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A picture is worth a thousand words! In order to best outline how search engines changed the way we manage our businesses and conduct our online strategies we created the Google Equilibrium Illustration. We are in the year 2014 and the search landscape has dramatically changed compared to what it was in the '90s. Year after year, things seem to get more and more complex and we involuntary wonder how will the world of search, and therefore the online businesses, will look like in the near [...]
This Friday we have a new cartoon about the Natural/Unnatural Link Building Process. How fast does it take to rank your newly created site in the top results of Google for the normal webmaster ? Hopefully this comic will give you some insight. Enjoy! <div style="width:604px;"><div><a target="_blank" href="" ><img width="100%" alt="Un[Natural] Link Bu [...]
In nature, there is no such thing as opposite. The night is not the opposite of the day, as the light is not the opposite of dark. There are just different phenomena that exists in different shapes. Allow me to extrapolate this to links. When asked: “What is a natural link?”, the correct answer is: A natural/organic link is not necessarily “the opposite of the unnatural link”. It is much more than that. And although unnatural links are in fashion, maybe its time to put the spotligh [...]
When you start working in the SEO field, all your life changes. You begin to see the world differently, your relationships gain a special flair and your own existence takes on a new meaning. If you don't want to take my word for granted, let me illustrate what I am talking about by reviewing some regular moments from a day-to-day search engine optimizer's existence. In the SEO world, you usually have a at least half of these moments each day everyday: 1. Wake up Wake up early in the morning [...]
Starting this Friday, every Friday (almost :) ) we want to give you all , my zealous digital marketers, something cool to enjoy and share with your friends. This Friday's "cool stuff" is a cartoon comic about Webspam, Google Penalties, Matt Cutts and Recoveries :). Enough talk. Here is the cartoon. Meet Anakin Spamwalker! (for all you Star Wars Fans :)) Hope you liked it!If you did you could even embed this SEO Comic in your site by using the code below. <div style="width:604p [...]
  With all the changes happening in Google's algorithms on unnatural links, spammy content, un-optimized mobile websites, it may be a bit overwhelming to keep track of all the Google Guideline violations. Some of them are an obvious violation of Google’s Quality Guidelines and some of them are not that easy to spot. The process of link development is already hard enough without Google's representatives (like John Mueller or Gary Illyes) breathing heavily down your neck.     Google's [...]
Unnatural links. Everybody talks about them: Webmasters struggle to find tools that could help them identify the rotten apples in their garden. Google sharpens its weapons to catch “the enemy”. Black Hat SEO fans gets the chills and internet users try to avoid them. We all relate to them but do we really know what unnatural links are? What is an Unnatural Link about? In a few words, as it is presented in the Google Webmaster Guidelines, any link that intends to manipulate the PageRan [...]
Quick Info This analysis was done with the cognitiveSEO toolkit, a respected & iconic tool among many SEO professionals & the entire SEO industry as a whole. Get your Free 14 day Trial Now and Enjoy one of the best tools for Link Profile Auditing, Unnatural Link Detection, Social Visibility Analysis and Rank Tracking. +Extra Topping: You'll get a Live Demo with Razvan Gavrilas the Founder & Architect of cognitiveSEO. Update: LastMinute Recovered its rankings in 2 days. Read [...]
Did it ever happen to you to read an article about SEO and on the verge of your maximum concentration you stumble upon a term that you don't quite know what it means? Help your friends learn "SEOish". Share it with them on Either it's a slang, a jargon or an expression used with a different meaning that we thought, at some point everyone is in the position of browsing several web pages to understand what was actually that term referring at. So we created “The SEO Lingo”, maybe the [...]
  Larry King, the famous TV star, used to say to his audience that his father came to the US thinking that America is the land of all possibilities and that the streets are paved with gold. After arriving, he realized 3 things: The streets weren't paved with gold. The streets weren't paved at all. He was the one who would pave the streets. We often tend to believe that creativity leads to success only when it's built on clear directives and extensive plans, but, as in the anecdote [...]