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It was a time when everybody was looking and following various strategies to increase the PageRank score for their websites. PageRank was developed as a way to measure the importance of a website in order to rank it. Google uses the algorithm by counting the number of links and checking their quality. Everybody check PageRank (PR) for their website by using the toolbar and compare their website to others if wanted.   While this worked for lots of years, Google removed the PageRank toolbar [...]
Wikipedia is one of the most (if not THE most) authoritative sources on the internet. With an average of 8 billion pageviews every single month and over 6 million articles posted only in the English version of the colossus, Wikipedia claims its well deserved spot as the 5th most visited website of the planet.   Yet, it does not serve any ads to its users. How is this possible? Every other site you visit on a daily basis probably runs ads to survive. How come the 5th most visited site in t [...]
Local SEO myths - what a tangled topic to discuss. You might get caught on the subject and start feeling intimidated thinking of the high amount of work you must do to rank in local SEO. Which, obviously, is unreal. Don't get us wrong: it's difficult indeed, but far from impossible.    In the local SEO area there are always new things to discover that can help your business get new customers, improve your visibility and get more local searches. Let's bury all the local SEO myths and misl [...]
You've probably heard about internal linking a lot, because everyone is talking about it. But what's all the fuss about? Should you really bother doing it? Is it really that effective? If yes, why? There are many questions to be answered.   During our cognitiveSEO talks, many guests talked about the importance of interlinking between your own web pages. Therefore we decided to tackle this subject and let you know about the best internal linking strategies.      What Is [...]
A new episode of cognitiveSEO Talks - On Search and Traffic, brings a new topic and a highly experienced professional: Gianluca Fiorelli. SEO Strategist and International SEO Consultant at, Gianluca is working in the web marketing field since 2003. That’s about 15 years which means a lot in the digital marketing field.   In the current cognitiveSEO Talk, Gianluca Fiorelli speaks openly about SEO audits, link and content building, how CTR works and top things any digital m [...]
If you own a website, especially one with English content, chances are that you will get spammed, sooner or later. If you don't start protecting yourself as soon as possible, you will definitely have some trouble with it.   To help you out, we've gathered a list of 5 most common types of SPAM and what you can do to protect yourself against them. You'll see what exactly SPAM is, why people practice it and how you can fight it back.     Comment Spam Trackback Spam Nega [...]
We can already see a convergence between digital marketers, SEOs and webmasters. Although they all have their own tasks and responsibilities, at some point all of their work will revolve, more or less, around the concept of link building. This is the topic that we’re going to talk about in today’s article.   While link building, alongside content, might have a bad name in the industry it still is the number one signal Google looks at when deciding to rank a website. There are countles [...]
Here it is: a new episode of our cognitiveSEO Talks - On Search and Traffic, this time with David Harry, one of the most important pioneers in SEO. Before jumping into the nitty-gritty, you need to know that there are 20 years since David is working in the SEO niche.    David Harry spent about five years doing forensic SEO (which is helping people with SEO problems, penalties, and things related to this) and he got to the point where he doesn’t need to pitch to clients to attract th [...]
Do you have a local business, or maybe clients that own local businesses? If yes, then you're in the right place, because you're going to find out how you can double or even triple their click-through rates on Google.   People often think that they can only rank once for a keyword. For the most part that's true, because Google has gradually restricted the number of times you can show up with the same domain on the same search query. However, things are a little bit different when it comes [...]
Ranking higher on Google. A ceaseless rush to get authority for your website and lots of visitors to eventually turn them into clients. Search engine optimization doesn’t have to be the black sheep of marketing. You just got to understand how to use it. You can complement your SEO efforts with lots of other marketing forms, such as analytics data. It will stop you from bleeding website data. It really will.   How does it work? You need an account on a dedicated analytics product. Then, [...]