We all had that moment when we gave our soul into a post and made it so shiny, with thorough research, relevant visuals but nobody read it. And then you start wondering what went wrong. What in the name of God happened? Or why did it happen to you? And the questions could go on. But there is something that you missed. And that "something" could be content amplification. Content amplification is a powerful method to reach a wider audience and multiply your links by hundreds. Or so it [...]
Google has, time and time again avoided - or even flat out refused - to give any indication of when it rolled out an update. Their way of doing this has been always to assert that they make updates to their algorithms on a continuous basis, rather than having distinct launch dates for particular releases. It’s not difficult to see why that’s probably a good idea. It keeps everyone guessing and acting on a desire to actually improve their SEO techniques rather than a temptation to eschew the [...]
The SEO landscape has changed enormously in the last years. Organic traffic comes and go, the websites' performance seems to be as volatile as it gets and at the end of the day, you might ask yourself: why did my organic traffic drop? Did Google change its algorithm again? Was a sort of SEO attack on my site or was it something that I did? And while you keep on searching for the reasons your hard-worked ranks and traffic went down the drain, your frustration gets bigger as the solution to your p [...]
Link earning is highly connected with trustworthy content and creative digital marketing strategies. It's all about that type of content that has so much value that bloggers, publishers or specialists in the field can’t stop but link to it. Your piece of content must be not only newsworthy, but also connected to your brand so it can tell a story and, therefore, earn links. Link acquiring tactics doesn’t mean writing great pieces of content and then crossing your fingers [...]
An SEO website redesign is not a walk in the park, and it could easily become an SEO disaster if you don’t do it right. Any change you make to your website’s redesign can cause traffic loss and make your current site not so very "search engine ranking" friendly. Maybe you want to switch to https, you want to go international, or maybe you just want to start a rebranding strategy. Whatever you do, you want your link juice, rankings and traffic to remain the same. And, when you’ve p [...]
The data quality subject is often neglected, and poor quality business data constitutes a significant cost factor for many online companies. And, although there is much content that claims that the costs of poor data quality are significant, only very few articles are written on how to identify, categorize and measure such costs. In the following article we are going to present how poor quality data can affect your business, why is this happening and how can you prevent wasting time and money du [...]
The famous American television and radio host Larry King, used to say to his audience a very witty story about his father. He says that his father, a Ukrainian jew, came to the US thinking that America is the greatest land of all, where even the streets are paved with gold. However, shortly after arriving, his father realized three things: The streets weren’t paved with gold. The streets weren’t paved at all. He was the one to pave the streets. There is no secret for anyone th [...]
Dozens of articles are published daily on the ultra-discussed topic of link building. Just try a simple search on Google with the “link building” query and most likely the “link building is dead” auto complete will show up. From what we are concerned, link building is far from dead. It would be arrogant to say link building (or even SEO) is exactly the same as it was a couple years ago. And it’s also true that the landscape of SEO and link building is always changing, [...]
Every SEO specialist might feel overwhelmed from time to time because of their constant effort to see the outcome. It is a long term commitment. There are no shortcuts and you must look for future results, not present ones. For SEO amateurs, it is even harder. It is a constant battle to keep the rankings high. They will always try to find the easy way. We won’t talk about them today; we will address those who are striving to do white hat SEO. We've compiled a checklist with the most [...]
Writing is an art and discovering the secrets of boosting your readers' engagement can transform you into a master of copywriting. Setting the right tone, answering to questions, drawing attention, adding personality and bringing your content alive with visuals or interactive data are just a few techniques that can get you where you want. You know that warm feeling you get when you speak with one of your friends? You talk, he listens, he asks questions and so on. You understand each other. [...]