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The SEO Blog from cognitiveSEO

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You might have heard the saying "If you want something done right, do it yourself!" more than once. Before agreeing or disagreeing on it, indulge me while I tell you a bit of its origins. A French writer named Charles Étienne is the "father" of this world wide used phrase but the literal translation is actually - " One is never served so well as by oneself "- . And with this literal transcription we might be on the same page. And this is because we do believe that each professional has his o [...]
In the old days of Black Hat SEO, these techniques, tricks, tactics or however you'd like to call them may have worked, until the search engines started taking actions and updating algorithms to penalize websites using such Black Hat SEO Techniques. And, as the search engines don’t like to let themselves and their users be tricked, they took measures to keep the search results as clean and accurate as possible. Using the proper techniques to rank and to get organic traffic can be hard, [...]
OK, Google! Please write an article for the cognitiveSEO blog that will bring millions of readers and shares. As I got no luck with Google Assistant, I’ve tried the same thing with Siri, Cortana, just that this time I’ve been more polite. I said “please”. Still no luck. This being said, after a few more attempts I reconciled with the idea that I have to document and write on the “voice search revolution” myself.     And as I dug deeper into the "voice search SEO" area [...]
Penguin 4.0 is here and is real-time. This means that the Penguin portion of the algorithm will always be “on” and updating from now on. As we have previously developed in an earlier blog post, Penguin going real-time is huge news for the SEO community. With Penguin 4.0, the algorithm should now catch spam link profiles more quickly. Aside from the fact that Penguin’s data is now refreshed in real time so that changes will be visible much faster, Penguin will be able to devalue spam by [...]
There is a lot of buzz and fuzz regarding the influence of shares, comments, likes, etc. on SEO in general. Yet, the question that is on everyone’s lips is actually: “Are social signals a ranking factor?” There have been lots of discussions around this topic, both pros and cons; even some studies were conducted on it. Yet, no clear light has been shed on the matter. If social signals affect SEO, how does it happens?    And, as we think that research is one of the most exciting and [...]
Long content or short content? Which one is better? What is the case? The more the merrier, or less is more? Well, the answer is rather complicated and needs a bit of unpacking. If you are looking for a short answer you need to know that there is no such thing. Long and short content alike can be better, depending on the context and on your needs: rankings, conversions, followers, popularity, authority, engagement, keyword optimization, etc. TL;DR – This is quite a large study. If you don [...]
Creating high quality content is a highly important aspect, not only for gaining high ranks but firstly for making users or readers happy. Yet, we all know that running a blog with constant valuable and high quality content might sometimes be difficult as it is a resource-consuming process.   Therefore, why not getting the best out of the content that you’ve already worked on? You sometimes don’t want (or don’t have the means) to reinvent the wheel every time you create a new piece of [...]
Every site owner’s dream (and goal) is to rank as high as possible for their target audience. Every search engine’s dream (and goal) is to make sure that the most relevant websites rank the highest. But how is that relevancy built and interpreted? Does it have anything to do with what you say? That much we know to be true. Does it have anything to do with how (or where) you say it? That’s what we set to find out. Having this in mind we’ve conducted an in-depth research, with a set of [...]
It's impossible not to be synced anymore. Everything is on cloud and the amount of information we come across every day is unprecedented. The difficulty of any digital marketer's mission is not letting themselves be distracted by the connectivity and hyperlinking on the web. While we have never been more exposed to information, it's now harder than ever to keep focused and prioritize our online activity. Because we know how crucial it is to stay informed and relevant when it's almost impossib [...]
You're probably familiar with, the online community that helps marketers stay connected. Putting it simply, is an online hub where good marketers come to get better, the platform itself states. It's a great place for sharing ideas, connecting, interacting or even finding a job. Being in the industry, we always cast an eye over the platform as indeed, we've found very interesting pieces of content, needless to say about its very active community from which we could al [...]