If you want to raise true brand awareness and drive massive organic traffic to your website, then you're in need of some really effective off-page SEO practices. Big time. There's little clear-cut and effective content across the Internet on what exactly digital marketers need to focus most of their resources, knowledge, and time on to drive organic traffic to their site from an off-site SEO point of view. That's where the idea of writing a complete off-page SEO techniques checklist came from. H [...]
We decided it was about time we teamed up with bright minds in the marketing and SEO industry and gained some exclusively valuable knowledge right out of their mouths. Hence this is how cognitiveSEO Talks: on Search and Traffic was born. It was not born from a wish upon a star only, but also with hard work and planning. Now everything you wanted to know about SEO, but were too afraid to ask is right here, ready to be played and listened to wherever you are. You'll definitely fi [...]
Has it ever happened to you to read an SEO article and, on the verge of your maximum concentration, to stumble upon a term you don't quite know what it means? Be it slang, jargon or an expression used with a different meaning than we might have thought, at some point everyone has been in the position of browsing several web pages just to understand what that term actually referred to. So, we created an “ SEO Lingo”, maybe the most comprehensive and user-friendly glossary of SEO ter [...]
If you don’t have any competitors, there’s no need to read this article. But just in case you do, then you’d better not miss it! Why’s that, you might wonder? Well… it’s because often times, unethical competitors prefer to blow in somebody else's candle so that they can shine brighter. Instead of working more on their websites to improve user experience, some webmasters attack competitor sites with unnatural, spammy links, or even DDoS (Denial-of-service). In search [...]
Mark Twain famously noted that “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning”. Admittedly, Twain didn’t know a thing about SEO, but his wisdom remains relevant beyond technology. Because, when you come to think of it, that’s a large part of what we do: we struggle to find the best way to say something, so as to make it the most attractive to potential users. In the past few months we’ve b [...]
Google is pushing for a shift from http to https, there is no secret in this. This strategy would probably be effective anyway, but with Google behind, the shift starts to resemble a done deal. The question is no longer whether sites will follow, but when. After all, who in their right minds would give up geolocation, encrypted media extensions or application cache? But aside from the technical complications of this move, there are other considerations as well. One such unforeseen side [...]
In the old days of Black Hat SEO, these techniques, tricks, tactics or however you'd like to call them may have worked, until the search engines started taking actions and updating algorithms to penalize websites using such Black Hat SEO Techniques. And, as the search engines don’t like to let themselves and their users be tricked, they took measures to keep the search results as clean and accurate as possible. Using the proper techniques to rank and to get organic traffic can be hard, [...]
It's impossible not to be synced anymore. Everything is on cloud and the amount of information we come across every day is unprecedented. The difficulty of any digital marketer's mission is not letting themselves be distracted by the connectivity and hyperlinking on the web. While we have never been more exposed to information, it's now harder than ever to keep focused and prioritize our online activity. Because we know how crucial it is to stay informed and relevant when it's almost impossib [...]
There are many reasons why outreach emails get to be deleted directly without even being read. One of the reasons is that they are never read; not even by the person who wrote them. Therefore, when the sender is not even trying to be coherent or make any sense, why should I be the one trying to read its messages? Moreover, how can I not delete your emails if they bring me no added value? None. Except the astonishment of how unprofessional that email is written, it literary brings me not [...]
As you may have already found out or experienced on your site, Twitter share counts are no longer updating on the share buttons starting with the 20th of November this year. This means that all share buttons out there that relied on the Twitter share count endpoint are no longer providing share counts. This includes Twitter’s own official tweet button. Basically, Twitter seems to be de-emphasizing one of its defining metrics: the share counts. The impact the big social network's decision ha [...]