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To many people SEO seems like something really hard to do, which also takes a lot of time. While mostly that's true, it's also true that there are some small SEO actions you can perform that can have a big impact on your rankings.   In this post, we've gathered 21 things you can do to improve your SEO. Most of them are easy to implement, but we're trying to focus more on the ratio between the effort and the results. So, if something seems harder to do, it will also have a greater impact. [...]
Every couple of months, someone proclaims that SEO is dead or sets off a number of anti-SEO threads, based on the continuous changing scenery in the search industry. It goes without saying that the landscape is different from what it used to be a couple of years before but from “different” to “inexistent” there is a wide range of tones.   One might say: “Nothing has really changed. It's simple: focus on your visitors and pretend Google doesn't exist!” That is indeed a very g [...]
While technical SEO is a topic that only some of us make use of rigorously, it is a part of everybody’s life. Well, which part of SEO is not technical if we were to look at it thoroughly?   SEO issues, mistakes, tips and recommendations are all included in today's technical checklist. We wanted to cover, in the most effective way possible, all the elements that are important for making your website user-friendly, efficient, visible in SERP, functional and easy to understand. Therefore, [...]
It’s that time of the year when everybody is feeling deeply in love and thinking about presents and plans for Valentine’s Day. On this special occasion, we thought that a few SEO tips can really help both business owners to get more clients and customers, to buy the perfect gift for the beloved person.   A true love story doesn’t work without its successful ingredients. Same goes with SEO and UX - which is a true love story, SEO & content writing, SEO & PPC, SEO & social [...]
Everybody talks about unnatural links and their impact on the SEO world. While some things are well known, when it comes to search engine optimization and spammy links, there is still a lot of obscurity on the subject.    To shed some light on this matter, we’ve run an in-depth analysis based on more than 100k inbound links. Some of the findings are really surprising, while others bring a clear confirmation to some really popular assumptions.       Almost a Quarter [...]
If you're active on social media groups or forums, you've probably seen plenty of free SEO audit offers. Ask an opinion about your site and the comment sections will quickly fill up with offers.   Hey, but it's FREE, right? I mean, isn't that great? However... if we've learned something over the past years of digital marketing and SEO is that nothing good comes for free. Even if you do end up spending less money, you spend time instead and always risk doing a bad job.     [...]
SEO doesn’t let you down, that’s why you need to focus on it. You shouldn’t avoid it. It’s not your ex; it is your partner for the long run — the one that you should have for better and worse.   SEO is like a marriage: sometimes you don’t get it, sometimes you fight against it, sometimes you are inseparable, but you are together because you can’t exist one without the other. We’ve put together a pros list with essentials tips to understand why your business needs SEO in [...]
Convincing clients to buy your SEO services is hard. Although it's a growing market and people become more aware of its value, they still don't see its true potential. They have a ton of objections and questions, especially if you're the one approaching them to make a sale.   I'm sure prospects have told you plenty of times things like Can you guarantee #1 positions? or It takes too much time, Adwords brings me instant results.     If you don't answer those questions and ob [...]
This is a TRUE & SUCCESSFUL story from Jim Miller - Founder of Salesbloom and one of our long time customers.   Jim Miller is an e-commerce consultant, and founder of Salesbloom, who collaborates with world-renowned marketing gurus. Enjoy his story, written and documented by himself, and see how we hit the Google’s top SERP spots with no backlinks but with a good content optimization. Over a six to nine month period using the content assistant optimization tool, I have seen num [...]
One could say that we've become addicted to constant and never-ending self-improvement. But there’s a more important and more meaningful reason behind a continuous quest for self-improvement. It’s the very reason we get into the tech business in the first place: we see something in the environment that can be made better and we think we can provide a tool for that.   And, as the environment changes, so do we. The key is in that very word: “better” - not “good”, but “better [...]