Google +? Have you forgotten about it, too? While many of you seem to have been disregarding Google + over the past few years, it was there. But now, as the latest news confirms, we've found out that it will be shut down after user information was exposed. It is no shock for some to hear that it will be locked down, while for others it is sad news. All in all, the news might affect lots of business owners. We’ve talked on our blog before, on multiple occasions, about the effect of soc [...]
Ranking high takes both time and effort. But there are some SEO techniques out there that are easy to implement and will definitely bring some results. The best part? You can probably do everything yourself. Spoiler alert, though: many of them include basics. During the years we have observed something rather shocking. Many clients that I've picked up had paid big time for search engine optimization services in the past. To my surprise, however, basic things like keywords in titles were [...]
In an AI world, where technology evolves so fast, it’s mandatory to be on a wave to get noticed, to find new ways of tracking our performances. And ROI is undeniably required. Pay per lead emerged following a need to evaluate results that could not be followed through traditional forms. In theory, a lead is generated through a signup form which includes contact information and, in some cases, demographic information, too. It is usually is a non-cash event for those who sign-up because [...]
Email open rates represent the ultimate effectiveness of the emails you’re sending to your audience and your leads. And the better your emails are in composition and structure, the more you’re going to grow your business in a sustainable way. We’ve put together (probably) the largest list of hands-on tips that will help you nail email marketing and notably boost your email open rates. With no further introduction, we present you a great list of 53 great methods on how to consi [...]
I always advocate the idea of taking a step back to see the larger picture. When it comes to digital marketing, this is a crucial step - as it can easily point out what is currently missing from the approach you’re implementing for your website. Always make sure you’ve got the big picture in mind, however complicated this may seem sometimes. While keeping this in mind, today's post is going to offer you a series of tips that can boost your traffic, and don’t interfere [...]
In the office, in the online world, on social media, on the phone, in the chat, everywhere people talk about SEO. Everybody who has a business has heard about SEO. But also anyone who has a business probably said at least once: Do I really need SEO? What can SEO do for me? Since the moment SEO appeared in our lives, everybody in the field started talking about it. It became a never-ending discussion. We want to know all the facets of SEO. Why is SEO important? And this is what you're [...]
I wish I knew earlier about this Google update! is something many site owners or marketers say on a daily basis. Moreover, it would be heaven on earth if we also knew how all those Google algorithm changes, be they official or unnamed updates, should be dealt with. Most times, we get to see how rankings fluctuate, traffic drops, and still, we don't know what to do. What's more, we always think it's us who made a mistake and, therefore, got downgraded. This blog post will both prove you [...]
You've probably heard about internal linking a lot, because everyone is talking about it. But what's all the fuss about? Should you really bother doing it? Is it really that effective? If yes, why? There are many questions to be answered. During our cognitiveSEO talks, many guests talked about the importance of interlinking between your own web pages. Therefore we decided to tackle this subject and let you know about the best internal linking strategies. What Is [...]
If you own a website, especially one with English content, chances are that you will get spammed, sooner or later. If you don't start protecting yourself as soon as possible, you will definitely have some trouble with it. To help you out, we've gathered a list of 5 most common types of SPAM and what you can do to protect yourself against them. You'll see what exactly SPAM is, why people practice it and how you can fight it back. Comment Spam Trackback Spam Nega [...]
Image optimization for SEO purposes is an art you should learn how to master. Since images take a lot of space on your website, it’s only natural to find ways to optimize them not only for better user experience and functionality but also for better ranks and traffic.The big dilemma is finding the balance between a well-optimized image that still preserves its visual quality and a fast, high-peformance website. Thus, the better question to ask is: Can optimized images help/complement your SEO [...]