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The SEO Blog from cognitiveSEO

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There are over 1.5 billion web sites in the world, and JavaScript is used on 95% of them.   With no additional introduction to the importance of performing an in-depth SEO analysis on your site, regardless of the programming language it uses,  we are proud to tell you that starting today, cognitiveSEO can crawl and perform in-depth site audits on all types of websites, JavaScript generated sites included.      With so many sites using content generated with JavaScript, yo [...]
Not long ago, Google has released version 68 of the Chrome Web Browser. In this version, websites that don't run on HTTPS will be marked as Not Secure. This might lead to the following question: does Google value websites with SSL certificates more? Will they rank better? Is it worth to make the switch?   In this article (Updated 2020) you'll find out whether SSL certificates matter for SEO or not. You'll also learn exactly how to migrate your website from HTTP to HTTPS without suffering [...]
SEO still keeps a lot of secrets for a lot of beginners out there, but even advanced users need to be constantly up to date with what happens in the online marketing world.  We've put a together a list of ten SEO facts you've probably never heard of before; however, even if you have, this is a friendly reminder.     There are a lot of SEO facts and stats out there, with more or less known matters. What we've tried to do is to put together a list of surprising SEO facts that make you l [...]
The battle between link building vs. content marketing continues. It is a love-hate situation. Are you a fan of content marketing, link building or both?    Us, as SEO people, we’ve always asked intriguing questions and tried to dig up dirt to find out new interesting things, new facts, new discoveries, and correlations between the SEO factors and new rankings possibilities. Today is the day for a new discovery. We’ll see what the search results will provide us. We performed a lot o [...]
Why did the chicken cross the road? We’ll likely never find out. But if you type this into a search engine, I’m pretty sure I can predict what the top results might return. Not only because I’ve searched for this myself, but also because of something called search intent, which basically means that search engines are trying to give you what you want by first understanding (or guessing) what it is exactly that you want and - more importantly - why you want it.    If you understand w [...]
We're proud to share with you what we've been working on lately: A brand new improved version of (probably) the best tool in the content optimization field: The Content Optimizer and Keyword Tool. The tool that is perfectly adapted to the digital marketing realities and designed to help you improve what matters most: rankings.   Here, at cognitiveSEO, we like to get things done. We start improving our features and tools soon after we launch them, we constantly fine-tune what's already im [...]
The internet gives a business the power to compete on a global level. Gone are the days when your only competitor was the other shop across the road. If you sell your products or services on a website, you have the power to quickly expand beyond your country's borders, without spending millions of dollars on opening new physical stores.   But in order to do this, you have to speak their native or preferred language. And, in order to speak their language, you need to translate your website [...]
Titles are among the most important things in SEO. But, although it is very basic to have your keywords inside the title, it isn't always easy to write SEO friendly title tags. That's why we've prepared this guide and set of best practices you need to follow in order to have well optimized titles on all of your website's pages.   If there's one thing I've noticed during many years of practicing SEO, it's that people heavily neglect titles. Countless times have I been told - "I've worked w [...]
Outranking your competition can be very difficult, especially if your website is rather new. What's even more frustrating is when you can't outrank competitors which have spammy backlink profiles. Why doesn't Google penalize them? Why does it rank you lower than them in the Google search results, even though you play the game by the book?   Google's algorithm has evolved a lot over the years. The main purpose of the improvements was to be able to better distinguish natural links from arti [...]
This is a TRUE SUCCESS story from Jibran Qazi – Founder of Hunter Canada, a cognitiveSEO long-time customer and SEO expert.   Jibran Qazi is an SEO consultant, growth hacker, and founder of Hunter Canada, a company that helps tech firms achieve exponential traffic growth. Enjoy his story, written and documented by himself, and see how he managed to grow an app in the Fintech space, increasing its number of monthly visitors from 4000 to 420K+ in just 6 months.  All organic traffic fr [...]