Intentional or unintentional, be it plagiarism or bad technical implementation, duplicate content is an issue that is affecting millions of websites around the web. If you've wondered what content duplication is exactly and how it affects SEO and Google rankings, then you're in the right place. Whether you think your site is affected by this issue or just want to learn about it, in this article you will find everything you need to know about duplicate content. From what it is to how yo [...]
Call it as you want: plug-in, extension or add-on, its purpose remains the same: to make whatever software you are using more feature-rich. There are a lot of great plug-ins, but the ones we're going to focus on are the plug-ins that will enhance your SEO efforts. We're not going to get terribly technical so enjoy checking the plugins below and use the ones that fit you best. Along the years, we’ve searched, tested and tried lots of plugins. The following SEO plugin [...]
If you're just getting started with SEO, I'm pretty confident you're looking to get everything for free. While that's not always possible, the truth is that there are a lot of great free SEO Tools out there. To be honest, there are free tools that even the pros use every single day. And that's happening for a good reason: some free SEO tools are great. Google Tools Suite Google Tag Manager Google Analytics Google Search Console PageSpeed Insights Mobile [...]
301 redirects are one of the core elements SEO experts use on a regular basis. They are very useful but they can also be very dangerous. You can fix broken links with them, but you can also create redirect loops which can affect indexability. In order to really take advantage of 301 redirects, you have to know how to set them up properly but also the scenarios in which they are required. Last but not least, you have to know what to avoid when using 301 redirects to deal with a problem. [...]
To many people SEO seems like something really hard to do, which also takes a lot of time. While mostly that's true, it's also true that there are some small SEO actions you can perform that can have a big impact on your rankings. In this post, we've gathered 21 things you can do to improve your SEO. Most of them are easy to implement, but we're trying to focus more on the ratio between the effort and the results. So, if something seems harder to do, it will also have a greater impact. [...]
While technical SEO is a topic that only some of us make use of rigorously, it is a part of everybody’s life. Well, which part of SEO is not technical if we were to look at it thoroughly? SEO issues, mistakes, tips and recommendations are all included in today's technical checklist. We wanted to cover, in the most effective way possible, all the elements that are important for making your website user-friendly, efficient, visible in SERP, functional and easy to understand. Therefore, [...]
SEO doesn’t let you down, that’s why you need to focus on it. You shouldn’t avoid it. It’s not your ex; it is your partner for the long run — the one that you should have for better and worse. SEO is like a marriage: sometimes you don’t get it, sometimes you fight against it, sometimes you are inseparable, but you are together because you can’t exist one without the other. We’ve put together a pros list with essentials tips to understand why your business needs SEO in [...]
Whenever we talk about SEO and the idea of optimization, some of the first things that come to our mind are content, backlinks or keywords. This is not wrong, but it isn't exhausting the possibilities of SEO either. Especially since there are plenty of factors that weigh in a page rank that are not purely backlink or content-driven. So it should not have come as too much of a surprise when Google announced that page load speed is a ranking factor for both desktop and mobile searches. Of course, [...]
It’s almost impossible to come up with a digital marketing strategy to spy on your competitors without consistent information regarding the trends in the niche. And, if you think that it’s only what works that matters, you may not get too far. In order to develop a way to leverage customers' and influencers' behavior to your advantage, you’ll have to make yourself comfortable in the office chair and start to seriously monitor the entire niche. That’s the wonder of a free market [...]
When launching a new website, there are some things that seem unimportant at first, but turn out to really be an issue later on. One of them is the WWW vs. Non-WWW issue. When you first think about it, it doesn't sound like much of a deal. You might not even care at all about it. When you first research it, you'll probably learn around the web that it doesn't really matter for SEO. However, if you start digging deeper, you'll discover a lot of things you didn't know. [...]